The plants

Flammability research on over 500 plants

‘Safer Gardens’ contains evidence-based information about the flammability of over 500 exotic and Australian native plants. There is a brief summary of this information in the Plant Flammability Table but for more detailed information you should turn to the A-Z section of the book. This is where information about research into each plant can be found, including its flammability. It also covers other useful topics for gardeners such as weediness, toxicity, invasiveness of its roots and any special needs, e.g. afternoon shade or high water requirements.


The A-Z is divided into 5 chapters:

  • Deciduous trees and shrubs

  • The Orchard

  • Evergreen trees and shrubs

  • Low plants and climbers

  • Succulents


Deciduous trees and shrubs

Many people believe that all deciduous plants have low flammability but my research indicates this is not the case.

Around the world, the fire season seems to be getting longer, with large fires sometimes occurring in spring and autumn. Consequently fire may come through at a time when the leaves on deciduous trees are turning autumn colours and getting ready to fall. These autumn leaves are more flammable than the green summer leaves. If deciduous trees are planted too close to a home they could potentially put the home at risk if there are autumn fires.

Chinese pistachio (Pistacia chinensis) in autumn. Picture by MPF courtesy of Wikipedia.


The Orchard

This includes fruit and nuts. In some Mediterranean countries certain types of orchards, such as citrus, are used as green belts to provide a break between forest areas and villages.

Olive trees are sometimes included on ‘fire retardant’ lists. However they are very hard to put out once alight. A researcher investigating the 2007 wildfire season in Southern Greece found that fire damage in olive groves was greater if weeds had been cut down but left lying on the ground (Zirogiannis 2009).

Apricot flowers in an orchard in the village of Benhama, Kashmir. Picture by Mehraj Mir courtesy of Wikipedia.


Evergreen trees and shrubs

Research indicates that some evergreen trees and shrubs have low flammability. These plants may be suitable for firewise gardens if they are well maintained and if ground litter and dead branches are regularly removed. Shrubs should not be placed under trees where they may provide a ladder fuel, enabling fire to reach the canopy. Flames from a 2m shrub may reach between 6 to 10m high depending on the intensity of the fire. Remember, in a really fierce fire, all plants will burn. It is best to select plants which don’t drop a lot of leaves through summer as they will add to the general fuel load in your garden at a time of heightened fire risk.

Research indicates that native frangipani trees (Hymenosporum flavum) have very low to extremely low flammability. The branches are brittle so be careful where you place it. Picture by Peter Woodard courtesy of Wikipedia.


Low plants and climbers

This section includes grasses, climbers, groundcovers and low plants. Climbers often contain dead material in their interior, and because of their vertical growth, there is a lot of oxygen around them to feed a fire. If allowed to climb into trees, not only do they enable fire to reach the canopy, they may smother the tree, causing many of its leaves to die, thus increasing the flammability of the tree. Be aware that groundcovers often develop a dead thatch beneath their lush surface. Small plants don’t have as much foliage to burn as bigger plants and so contribute less fuel to a fire. Choose ones such as ivy geranium which research indicates has very low flammability.

The leaves of ivy leaf geranium (Pelargonium peltatum) have a very high moisture content. Picture by Andrew Massyn courtesy of Wikipedia.



There are reports of some succulents helping to slow down a fire or even helping to save a home from fire. Many succulents have juicy leaves with a high moisture content. This moisture needs to be driven off by the heat of the fire before the leaves can ignite. However some succulents only have a short life and accumulate a lot of dead material as they age. Be careful with the placement of succulents that have sharp spiny tips. 

Spiral aloe (Aloe polyphylla) in San Francisco. Picture by Snapdragon66 courtesy of Wikipedia.

Spiny plants may be a danger to children or to firefighters, especially if they are fighting a fire at night. Picture by Berthold Werner courtesy of Wikipedia.

Spiny plants may be a danger to children or to firefighters, especially if they are fighting a fire at night. Picture by Berthold Werner courtesy of Wikipedia.

What do researchers say?

silver wattle.jpg

One test indicates the green leaves of Queensland silver wattle (Acacia podalyriifolia) have high flammability but another indicates they have very low flammability. A volunteer firefighter told me that in a low intensity fire this wattle won’t be too bad, but in a high intensity fire it will burn well. The Tasmania Fire Service says that based on the combined green and dry leaf flammability results it has moderate flammability. It is a weed in parts of Australia.

Queensland silver wattle (Acacia podalyriifolia) in Wagga Wagga, Australia. Picture by Bidgee courtesy of Wikipedia.


Two tests indicate the green leaves of crimson bottlebrush (Callistemon citrinus) have low to moderate flammability, while another indicates they have moderate flammability. The accepted wisdom is that all bottlebrushes are very flammable, but these findings seem to suggest this is not always the case. My take on these test results is that crimson bottlebrush is likely to have moderate flammability.

Red bottlebrush flower (Callistemon citrinus). Picture by Chilepine courtesy of Wikipedia.


Southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) is an evergreen tree with beautiful scented flowers. There are conflicting opinions about its flammability. One test indicates the green leaves have low flammability, but another considers them to be highly flammable. According to two researchers, the leaves contain significant amounts of volatile oils. The presence of volatile oils can be an indication that a plant is quite flammable, depending on which ones it contains.

Magnòlia a Verbania in Catalonia by Josep Renalias courtesy of Wikipedia.

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Long ribbons of bark can become firebrands carried on the wind. Picture by David Clode courtesy of Pexels.

Long ribbons of bark can become firebrands carried on the wind. Picture by David Clode courtesy of Pexels.


A list of all the plants that are mentioned in this book

This list includes Latin names and common names. Latin names are in italics.


Abelia grandiflora;  abelia, glossy;  Abies cephalonicaAcacia acinaceaAcacia baileyanaAcacia cyanophyllaAcacia dealbata;  Acacia decurrensAcacia implexaAcacia iteaphyllaAcacia longifoliaAcacia longifolia subsp. sophorae;  Acacia maideniiAcacia mearnsiiAcacia melanoxylonAcacia paradoxaAcacia podalyriifoliaAcacia pycnantha; Acacia salignaAcacia sophoraeAcacia species;  Acacia strictaAcacia ulicifoliaAcacia verticillata;  Acacia vestitaAcalypha wilkesiana var. marginataAcca sellowianaAcer palmatumAcer platanoidesAcer rubrumAcer saccharum; Acer species;  Achillea millefoliumAcmena smithiiActinidia deliciosaActinotus helianthi;  Adam’s needle;  Aeonium arboreum;  Aeonium species;  aeonium, tree;  Aesculus hippocastanum;  agapanthus;  Agapanthus praecoxAgave americanaAgave attenuata;  Agave parryi; agave parry’s;  Agave species;  agave, swan’s neck;  Ailanthus altissimaAjuga australisAjuga reptans;  alder, speckled; Allocasuarina distyla; Allocasuarina fraserianaAllocasuarina littoralisAllocasuarina species;  Allocasuarina torulosaAllocasuarina verticillata;  almond, sweet;  Alnus incanaAloe  (unspecified species);  Aloe arborescensAloe species;  Aloe x spinosissima;  aloe, candelabra;  aloe, spider;  Alyogyne huegeliiAmelanchier canadensisAnanas comosusAnemone nemerosa;  anemone, wood;  angel’s trumpet;  Angophora costataAngophora floribundaAnigozanthos flavidus;  apple, Argyle;  apple berry;  apple tree;  apple, rough barked;  apple, smooth barked;  apricot;  Aptenia cordifoliaAraucaria araucanaAraucaria bidwilliiAraucaria cunninghamiiAraucaria heterophyllaArbutus unedoArbutus x andrachnoidesArecaceae family;  Artemisia (unspecified species);  Artemisia absinthium;  ash species;  ash, claret;  ash, crow’s;  ash, desert;  ash, golden; ash, green; ash, mountain;  ash, prickly;  ash, white;  aspen, quaking;  aspen, trembling;  Asterolasia hexapetalaAstrotricha latifolia;  Atherosperma moschatumAtriplex cinerea;  Atriplex halimusAtriplex lentiformisAtriplex nummulariaAtriplex rhagodiodesAtriplex semibaccataAtriplex species;  avocado;  azalea



Balga;  bamboo;  bamboo, common; bamboo, running;  bamboo, sacred; Bambusa species;  Bambusa vulgaris;  banana;  Banksia blechnifoliaBanksia ericifoliaBanksia grandisBanksia integrifoliaBanksia marginataBanksia paludosa;  Banksia sessilisBanksia species;  banksia, bull;  banksia, coast;  banksia, creeping;  banksia, heath leaved;  banksia, silver;banksia, swamp;  banyalla;  barberry, common;  barberry, Japanese;  bay tree;  beautyberry, purple;  Bedfordia salicina;  beech, European;  beech, silver;  belah;  Berberis thunbergiiBerberis vulgarisBeschorneria yuccoidesBetula alba;   Betula papyriferaBetula pendulaBetula pubescensBetula species;  Beyeria viscosaBillardiera scandens;  birch species;  birch, downy;  birch, paper;  birch, silver;  birch, white;  bird of paradise;  bitter pea, narrow-leaf;  black bean tree;  black locust;  black sallee;  blackberry, elm-leaf;  blackberry, European;  blackwood;  blanket bush;  bleeding heartblueberry ash;  blueberry, northern highbush;  bluebush, pearl;  bluebush, short leaf;  boobialla species;  boobialla, common;  boobialla, creeping;  boobialla, mangrove;  Bossiaea foliosaBossiaea pulchellaBossiaea scolopendria;  bossiaea, leafy;  Bothriochloa marra;  bottle tree, Queensland;  bottlebrush species;  bottlebrush, crimson;  bottlebrush, stiff;  bottlebrush, willow;  Bougainvillea species;  box, brush;  box, dwarf;  box, English;   box, Paddy’s river;   box, yellow;   boxwood, little leaf;  Brachychiton acerifoliusBrachychiton discolorBrachychiton populneusBrachychiton rupestrisBrachychiton x roseaBrachyscome multifida;  bracken fern;  broadleaf, New Zealand;  broom, English;  broom, French;  broom, Montpellier;  broom, Scotch;  broom, Spanish;  broom, spiny;  Brugmansia suaveolens;  buckthorn, Italian;  Buddleia davidii;  bugle, austral;  bugle, common;  burgan;  bush pea, fine-leaf;  butterfly bush;  butterwood;  Buxus microphyllaBuxus sempervirens



cabbage tree;  cadaghi;  Calicotome spinosaCallicarpa dichotomaCallicoma serratifoliaCallistemon (unspecified species);  Callistemon citrinusCallistemon rigidusCallistemon salignusCallistemon species;  Callitris glaucophyllaCallitris rhomboideaCallitris species;  Callitris verrucosa;  Calluna vulgarisCalodendrum capenseCamellia (unspecified species);  Camellia japonicaCamellia sasanquaCamellia species;  camellia, japanese;  Canna indica;  canna lily;  cape chestnut;  cape gooseberry;  Carica papaya;  carob;  Carpobrotus edulisCarpobrotus glaucescensCarpobrotus rossiiCarpobrotus species;  Carya illinoinensisCassia floribundaCassia javanica;  cassia, pink;  cassia, showy;  Castanea sativaCastanospermum australeCasuarina cristataCasuarina cunninghamianaCasuarina glaucaCasuarina species;  Casuarina stricta;  catmint;  Ceanothus papillosusCeanothus speciesceanothus, Pacific blue;  cedar, Atlas;  cedar, Australian red;  cedar, Himalayan;  cedar, mountain;  cedar, white;  Cedrus atlanticaCedrus deodaraCenchrus advenaCenchrus ciliarisCenchrus setaceus;  century plant;  Ceratonia siliquaCeratopetalum gummiferumCercis canadensisChaenomeles japonica;  chalk sticks, blue;  Chamaecyparis lawsonianaChamaerops humilis;  Chamelaucium uncinatum;  champaca, golden;  chaste tree;  chenille plant;  cherries;  cherry, native;  cherry, sweet;  chestnut, horse;  chestnut, Moreton Bay;  chestnut, sweet;  chinaberry;  Chlorophytum comosumChoisya ternata;  chokecherry;  Christmas bush, New South Wales;   Christmas tree, New Zealand;  chrysanthemum;  Chrysanthemum indicumCinnamomum camphoraCissus antarcticaCistus albidusCistus creticus;  Cistus ladaniferCistus monspeliensisCistus salviifoliusCistus species;  Cistus villosusCistus x purpureusCitharexylum spinosumCitrus aurantiumCitrus limettaCitrus limonCitrus nobilisCitrus reticulataCitrus sinensisCitrus species;  Clethra alnifolia;   coast twin leaf;  Coleonema pulchellum ‘Aurea’;  coleus;  Coprosma (unspecified species);  Coprosma grandifoliaCoprosma repensCoprosma robusta;  coral pea, purple;  coral tree, batswing;  Cordyline australis;  coreopsis, moonbeam;  Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’;  corkwood;  Correa albaCorrea lawrenceanaCorrea pulchellaCorrea reflexa;  correa, mountain;  correa, salmon;  correa, white;  Cortaderia argenteaCortaderia jubataCortaderia selloanaCorylus avellana;  Corymbia calophyllaCorymbia ficifoliaCorymbia maculata;  Corymbia torellianaCorynocarpus laevigatusCotinus coggygria x obovatus ‘Grace’;  Cotoneaster glaucophyllusCotoneaster lacteus;  cotoneaster, bright bead;  cotoneaster, late;  cotoneaster, Parney’s;  cotton lavender, green;  cotton lavender, grey;  cotton rose;  cottonwood, eastern;  Cotyledon macranthaCotyledon orbiculata;  crabapple, European;  crabapples;  Crassula ovataCrataegus monogyna;  crepe myrtle;  Crowea exalata;  crowea, small;  Cupressocyparis leylandiiCupressus cashmerianaCupressus funebrisCupressus macrocarpaCupressus sempervirensCupressus species;  Cyathea australisCyathea dealbataCyathea medullarisCyathea species;  Cydonia oblongaCymbopogon citratusCyphomandra betacea;  cypress, Italian;  cypress, Kashmir;  cypress, lawson;  cypress, leyland;  cypress, Mediterranean;  cypress, Monterey;  cypress, mourning;  cypress, Roman;  Cytisus scoparius



Dahlia ‘Le Coco’;  daisies, Livingstone;  daisy bush, alpine;  daisy, African;  daisy, cut-leaf;  Dampiera linearisDampiera stricta;  dampiera, blue;  dampiera, common;  Daphne odora;  daphne, winter;  date palm, edible;  date palm, Canary Island;  date palm, pygmy;  date palm, Senegal;  Datura suaveolensDaviesia arboreaDaviesia mimosoides;  daylily;  Delonix regiaDelosperma species;  dewflower;  Dianella caeruleaDianella species;  Dianthus caryophyllusDicksonia antarcticaDicksonia species;  Dimorphotheca ecklonisDioscorea transversa;  diosma, golden;  Diospyros (unspecified species);  Disphyllum ‘Sunburn’;  Dodonaea viscosa;  dogwood;  Drosanthemum species;  Dryandra species;  dusty miller


Earp’s gum;  Echeveria species;  Echium candicans;  egg and bacon bush;  Einadia nutansElaeocarpus grandisElaeocarpus reticulatus;  elm species;  elm, Chinese;  elm, English;  elm, golden;  emu bush;  Enchylaena tomentosaEremophila maculata;  Erica arboreaEriobotrya japonicaEriostemon myoporoidesErythrina vespertilioEscallonia macrantha;  escallonia, common;  Escallonia ‘Pink Pixie’;  Eucalyptus acmenoidesEucalyptus amygdalinaEucalyptus calophyllaEucalyptus camaldulensisEucalyptus cinerea;  Eucalyptus dalrympleanaEucalyptus divesEucalyptus elataEucalyptus ficifoliaEucalyptus globulusEucalyptus grasbyiEucalyptus grossaEucalyptus macarthuriiEucalyptus maculata;  Eucalyptus manniferaEucalyptus marginataEucalyptus melliodoraEucalyptus microcorysEucalyptus neglectaEucalyptus obliquaEucalyptus paniculataEucalyptus parramattensisEucalyptus paucifloraEucalyptus pulchellaEucalyptus punctata;  Eucalyptus regnansEucalyptus salignaEucalyptus serraensisEucalyptus siderophloia;  Eucalyptus sideroxylonEucalyptus species;  Eucalyptus stellulataEucalyptus torellianaEucalyptus viminalis;  euodia, pink;  Euphorbia characiasEuphorbia ‘Copton Ash’;  Euphorbia pulcherrimaEuphorbia species;  Euryops pectinatusExocarpos cupressiformis



Fagus sylvatica;  fairy trumpets;  fan flower, fairy;  fan flower, white;  fan palm, California;  fan palm, European;  fan palm, Mexican;  fan palms;  Feijoa sellowiana;  fescue, blue;  Festuca glaucaFicus benjaminaFicus caricaFicus elasticaFicus macrophyllaFicus species;  Ficus virens;  fiddlewood;  fig, edible;  fig, Hottentot;  fig, Moreton Bay;  fig, weeping;  fig, white;  fir, Grecian;  firethorn, scarlet;  firewheel tree;  fish bones;  flamboyant tree;  flame tree, hybrid;  flame tree, Illawarra;  flannel flower;  flax, mountain;  flax, New Zealand;  Flindersia australisForsythia x intermedia;  forsythia, Klein’s;  frangipani, native;  frangipani, white;  Fraxinus americana; Fraxinus angustifoliaFraxinus angustifolia ‘Raywood’;  Fraxinus excelsior ‘Aurea’;  Fraxinus oxycarpaFraxinus pennsylvanicaFraxinus species;  fruit salad plant;  Fuchsia (unspecified species); fuchsia, native



Gahnia grandisGalium verum;  gallberry;  Gardenia jasminoidesGazania hybrid (unspecified species);  geebung, broad leaf;  geebung, narrow leaf;  geebung, pine leaved;  Geijera parvifloraGenista monspessulana;  geranium;  geranium, ivy leaf;  ginger plant;  Gleditsia triacanthos;  golden pea;  gorse;  grape vine;  grape, American;   grass tree;   grass tree, skirted;  grass, African fountain;  grass, blady;  grass, buffel;  grass, cutting;  grass, elephant;  grass, manila;  grass, purple fountain;   grass, red leg;  grass, Sir Walter buffalo;  Grevillea ‘Poorinda Leanne’;  Grevillea robustaGrevillea rosmarinifoliaGrevillea shiressiiGrevillea species;  grevillea, blue;  grevillea, rosemary;  Griselinia littoralis;  guava, pineapple;  guelder rose;  gum trees;  gum, brittle;  gum, grasbyi;  gum, grey;  gum, manna;   gum, mountain white; gum, Omeo;  gum, red;  gum, red flowering;  gum, ribbon;  gum, river red;  gum, snow;  gum, spotted;  gum, Sydney bluegum, Tasmanian blue



Hakea cristataHakea macraeanaHakea multilineataHakea petiolarisHakea salicifoliaHakea sericeaHakea species;  Hakea teretifolia;  hakea, dagger;  hakea, grass leaf;  hakea, sea urchin;  hakea, silky;  hakea, snail;  hakea, willow leaf;  Hardenbergia violaceaHarpullia pendula;  hawthorn;  hazelnut;  heather;  Hebe salicifoliaHebe species;  Hebe speciosa;  hebe, showy;  hebe, willow leaf;  Hedera helix;  hellebore;  Helleborus x hybridusHemerocallis aurantiaca;   hens and chickens;  Hibiscus mutabilisHibiscus rosa-sinensis;  hibiscus, Chinese;  hibiscus, native;  hibiscus, Norfolk Island;  Hoheria species;  holly, English;  Homalanthus populifolius;  honey locust;  honeysuckle, cape;  honeysuckle, Japanese;  hop bush, sticky;  Hydrangea macrophyllaHydrangea macrophylla ‘Nikko’;  Hydrangea quercifoliaHydrangea species;  hydrangea, bigleaf;  hydrangea, oakleaf;  Hymenocallis littoralisHymenosporum flavum


ice plant;  ice plant, heartleaf;  ice plant, highway;  ice plant, trailing;  Ilex aquifoliumIlex glabraIlex verticillata;  Imperata cylindrica;  inkberry;  Iris x germanica hybrids;   iris, bearded;  ironbark, grey;  ironbark, northern grey;  ironbark, red;  ironwood, Persian;  itch tree;  ivy, English



Jacaranda;  Jacaranda mimosifolia;  jade, dwarfjade plant;  jarrah;  jasmine, cape;  jasmine, primrose;  Jasminum mesnyi;  juniper, ashe;  juniper, Chinese;  juniper, creeping;  Juniperus asheiJuniperus chinensisJuniperus horizontalisJuniperus species



Kalanchoe tomentosaKalmia latifolia;  kangaroo apple;  kangaroo paw, tall;  kangaroo thorn;  kanuka;  karamu;  karo;  Kennedia prostrata;  kerosene bush;  Kingia australis;  kiwifruit;  Kleinia mandraliscaeKniphofia uvariaKoelreuteria paniculata;  kohuhu;  konono;  koojong;  Kunzea ambiguaKunzea ericoides;  kunzea, white;  kurrajong



Lacebark;  lady’s bedstraw;  Lagerstroemia indicaLagunaria patersonia;  lamb’s ear;  Lampranthus aurantiacusLampranthus species;  lantana;  Lantana camaraLasiopetalum macrophyllum;  laurel, camphor; laurel, cherry;  laurel, mountain;   laurel, New Zealand;  Laurus nobilis;  laurustinus;  Lavandula angustifoliaLavandula dentataLavandula stoechas;  lavender, English;  lavender, French;  lavender, Italian;  lavender, Spanish;  Legnephora moorei;  lemon grass;  lemon tree;  lemon, Persian;  Lepidosperma lateraleLeptospermum arachnoidesLeptospermum laevigatumLeptospermum lanigerumLeptospermum petersoniiLeptospermum phylicoidesLeptospermum scopariumLeptospermum species;  lightwood;  Ligustrum lucidum;  lilac, cape;  lilac, common;  lilly pilly;   lilly pilly, dwarf;  lily, flax;   lily, paroo;  lily, spider;  liquidambar;  Liquidambar styracifluaLiriodendron tulipiferaLiriope muscariLomandra longifoliaLomandra obliquaLomandra species;  Lomatia arborescens;  lomatia tree;  Lonicera japonicaLophostemon confertus;  loquat



Macadamia;  Macadamia integrifoliaMagnolia champacaMagnolia figoMagnolia grandifloraMagnolia species;  magnolia, port wine;  magnolia, southern;  mahogany, white;  Maireana brevifoliaMaireana sedifoliaMaireana species;  mallee, coarse-leaf;  Malus domesticaMalus species;  Malus sylvestris;  mamaku;  mandarin;  Mangifera indica;  mango;  manuka;  maple, Japanese;  maple, Norway;  maple, red;  maple, sugar;  marguerite, yellow;  marjoram;  marri;  marvel of Peru;  mastic tree;  mat-rush, spiny-head;  mat-rush, twisted;  may bush;  Melaleuca alternifoliaMelaleuca quinquenerviaMelaleuca species;  Melia azedarachMelicope elleryanaMesembryanthemumMetasequoia glyptostroboidesMetrosideros excelsa;  mexican lily;  Michelia champacaMichelia figo;  mickey mouse bush;  Micrantheum ericoidesMirabilis jalapa;  mirror bush;  Miscanthus sinensis;  mock-olive, large;  mock-orange, Japanese;  mondo grass;   monkey puzzle;  Monstera deliciosaMorus (unspecified species);  Morus species;  mousehole tree;  mulberry;  Musa species;  muskwood;  Myoporum acuminatumMyoporum insulareMyoporum laetumMyoporum parvifoliumMyoporum species;  myrtle, common;  Myrtus communis


Nandina domestica;  nectarine;  needlewood;  Nepeta x faasseniiNerium oleander;  ngaio;  Nicotiana glaucaNotelaea venosaNothofagus menziesiiNyssa sylvatica



oak trees;  oak, bur;  oak, cork;  oak, English;  oak, holm;  oak, Kermes;  oak, northern red;  oak, pin;  oak, swamp white;  Ochna serrulata;  Olea europaea;  oleander;  Olearia aglossaOlearia argophylla;  olive tree;  Ophiopogon japonicusOpuntia species;  orange blossom, Mexican;  orange tree;  orange, bitter;  Origanum majoranaOrites excelsusOsteospermum ecklonis



paddle plant;  palm family;  palm, windmill;  Palmae family;  pampas grass;  pampas grass, pink;   pampas grass, purple;  paperbark tree;  paperbarks;  parrot bush;  Parrotia persicaPassiflora caeruleaPassiflora edulisPassiflora herbertianaPassiflora tarminiana;  passionfruit, banana;  passionfruit, black;  passionfruit, native;   passionfruit, Nellie Kelly;   paw paw;  peaches;  pear trees;  pear, callery;  pear, common;  pear, Manchurian;  pecan;  Pelargonium peltatum; Pelargonium species;  Pennisetum purpureumPennisetum setaceumPenstemon cultivars;  pepper tree, California;   pepper, mountain;  pepperbush, alpine;  pepperbush, brush;  peppercorn tree;  peppermint, black;  peppermint, broadleaf;  peppermint, river;  peppermint, white;  Perovskia atriplicifoliaPersea americana;  Persian shield;  Persimmon;  Persoonia levisPersoonia linearisPersoonia pinifoliaPhilodendron bipinnatifidumPhilodendron selloum;  philodendron, tree;  Philotheca hispidulaPhilotheca myoporoidesPhlomis fruticosa;  Phoenix canariensisPhoenix dactyliferaPhoenix reclinataPhoenix roebeleniiPhormium cookianumPhormium tenaxPhotinia glabraPhotinia x fraseri;  photinia, Japanese;  photinia, red leaf;  Phyllanthus gunniiPhyllostachys (unspecified species);  Physalis peruvianaPicea abiesPicea excelsa;  pigface;  pigface, prostrate;  pig’s ears;  Pimelia linifolia;  pine trees;  pine, Aleppo;  pine, athel;  pine, black;  pine, brown;  pine, bunya;  pine, Calabrian;  pine, Chilean;  pine, cypress;  pine, hoop;  pine, mallee;  pine, maritime;  pine, Mexican weeping;  pine, Monterey;  pine, Norfolk Island;  pine, oyster bay;  pine, pencil;  pine, plum;  pine, radiata;  pine, slash;  pine, stone;  pine, Turkish;  pine, umbrella;  pine, white cypress;  pineapplepineapple guava;  pinks;  pinkwood;  Pinus brutiaPinus elliottiiPinus halepensisPinus nigraPinus patulaPinus pinasterPinus pineaPinus radiataPinus species;  pistachio nut;  pistachio, Chinese;  Pistacia chinensisPistacia lentiscusPistacia veraPittosporum bicolorPittosporum crassifoliumPittosporum eugenioidesPittosporum tenuifoliumPittosporum tobiraPittosporum undulatum;  pittosporum, Japanese;  pittosporum, sweet;  plane tree, oriental;  plane tree, London;  plank plant;  Platanus orientalisPlatanus racemosa;  Platanus species;  Platanus x acerifolia;   Platanus x hispanica;   Plectranthus scutellarioides;  plum trees;  plum, European;  plum, Japanese;  plumbago;  Plumeria albaPoa (unspecified species);  Podocarpus elatusPodocarpus totara;  poinciana;  poinsettia;  Pomaderris apetalaPomaderris elliptica;  pomegranate;  ponga;  poplar species;  poplar, black;  poplar, Chinese;  poplar, Lombardy;  poplar, white;  Populus (unspecified species);  Populus albaPopulus deltoidesPopulus nigraPopulus nigra ‘Italica’;  Populus simonii;  Populus species;  Populus tremuloidesPortulacaria afra;  prickly moses;  prickly pear cacti;  pride of madeira;   privet, glossy;  Prunus (unspecified species);  Prunus amygdalusPrunus armeniacaPrunus aviumPrunus cerasifera;  Prunus domesticaPrunus dulcisPrunus laurocerasusPrunus lusitanica;  Prunus persicaPrunus persica var. nucipersicaPrunus salicinaPrunus serotina;  Prunus species;  Prunus spinosa;  Prunus virginianaPteridium esculentumPultenaea stipularisPunica granatum;  purple heart;  pussy ears;  Pyracantha coccineaPyrus calleryanaPyrus communisPyrus species;  Pyrus ussuriensis



Quailbush;  quandong, silver;  Quercus bicolorQuercus cocciferaQuercus ilexQuercus macrocarpaQuercus palustrisQuercus roburQuercus rubraQuercus species;  Quercus suber;  quince, edible;  quince, Japanese



rain tree, golden;   raspberry, red hot poker;  redbud, eastern;  redwood, dawn;  Rhagodia candolleanaRhagodia nutansRhagodia species;  Rhagodia spinescensRhamnus alaternusRhododendron (unspecified species);  Rhododendron species;  riceflower, slender;  Robinia pseudoacacia;  rockrose species;  rockrose, Cretan;  rockrose, grey leaf;  rockrose, gum;  rockrose, Montpellier;  rockrose, orchid;  rockrose, purple;  rockrose, sageleaf;  Rosa canina;  Rosa ‘Cècile Brunner’;  Rosa floribundaRosa multifloraRosa species;  rose, Cècile Brunner;  rose, confederate;  rose, cotton;  rose, dog;  rose, floribunda;  rose, multiflora;  rosemary;  rosemary, native;  rosemary, prostrate;  Rosmarinus officinalisRosmarinus officinalis prostratus;  rowan;  rubber plant;  Rubus fruticosus aggregate;  Rubus idaeusRubus ulmifolius;  running postman



sage, baby;  sage, common;  sage, Jerusalem;  sage, Russian;  sage, wild;  sage, woodland;  sagg;  Salix babylonicaSalix chilensisSalix humboldtianaSalix species;  saltbush, climbing;  saltbush, creeping;  saltbush, grey;  saltbush, Mediterranean;  saltbush, nodding;  saltbush, oldman;  saltbush, ruby;  saltbush, seaberry;  saltbush, silver;  saltbush, spiny;  saltbushes;  Salvia microphyllaSalvia nemorosa cultivars;  Salvia officinalisSalvia verbenacaSantolina chamaecyparissusSantolina virensSapium sebiferum;  sassafras, southern;  saw palmetto;  Scaevola aemulaScaevola albidaSchinus molle;  sedge, variable sword;  sedum, bush;  Sedum dendroideumSedum species;  Senecio mandraliscaeSenecio viraviraSenna floribundaSerenoa repens;  serviceberry, Canadian;  sheoak species;  sheoak, black;  sheoak, drooping;  sheoak, forest;  sheoak, river;  sheoak, shrubby;  sheoak, swamp;  sheoak, western;  silky oak;  silky oak, mountain;  silver grass, Chinese;  smokebush; society garlic; Solanum aviculare; Solanum sporadotrichumSorbus aucupariaSpartium junceumSpathodea campanulata;  spekboom;  spider plant;  spiderwort;  Spiraea cantoniensis;  spruce, Norway;  spurge, Copton ash;  spurge, Mediterranean;  spurge, shrubby;  Stachys byzantina;  star hair, broad-leaf;  Stenocarpus sinuatusStenotaphrum secundatum, ‘Sir Walter’;  Stephania japonica;  stinkwood;  stonecrop;  stonecrop, tree;  strawberry tree;  strawberry tree, hybrid;  Strelitzia reginae;  stringybark, Grampians;  stringybark, messmate;  Strobilanthes gossypinus;  summersweet;  sun rose, baby;  sycamore, California;  Syncarpia glomuliferaSyringa vulgarisSyzygium francisii ‘Little Gem’;  Syzygium smithii



tallow, Chinese;  tallowwood;  tamarillo;  tamarisks;  Tamarix (unspecified species);  Tamarix aphyllaTamarix species;  tarata;  Tasmannia insipidaTasmannia lanceolata;  Tasmannia xerophila;  tea tree species;  tea tree, coast;  tea tree, lemon scented;  tea tree, narrow leaf;  tea tree, New Zealand;  tea tree, spidery;  tea tree, white;  tea tree, woolly;  teak, Australian;  Tecomaria capensisTeline monspessulanaTelopea (unspecified species);  Tetratheca rupicolaThunbergia grandiflora;  thyme, common;  thyme, Moroccan;  Thymus ciliatusThymus vulgaris;  tick bush;  tobacco bush;  Toona ciliata;  totara;  Trachycarpus fortunei;  trad, wandering;  Tradescantia fluminensisTradescantia pallida;  tree fern, black;  tree fern, rough; tree fern, silver;  tree fern, soft;  tree ferns;  tree heath;  tree of heaven;  Triadica sebiferaTristania conferta;  trumpet vine, blue;  Tulbaghia violacea;  tulip tree;  tulip tree, African;  tulipwood;  tupelo, black;  turf lily;  turpentine;  tussock grass



Ulex europaeusUlmus glabra ‘Lutescens’;  Ulmus parvifoliaUlmus proceraUlmus species



Vaccinium corymbosum;  velvet bush, shrubby;  Viburnum acerifolium;  viburnum, arrowwood;  Viburnum davidiiViburnum dentatum ‘Chicago Lustre’;  Viburnum lantana;  Viburnum odoratissimumViburnum opulusViburnum species;  Viburnum tinus;  viburnum, david;  viburnum maple leaf;  viburnum, sweet;  vine, kangaroo;  vine, round leaf;  vine, snake;  Viola hederacea;  violet, native;  Vitex agnus-castusVitis (unspecified species);  Vitis vinifera



waratah hybrid;  Washingtonia filiferaWashingtonia robustaWashingtonia species;  waterbush;  wattle species;  wattle, black;  wattle, coastal;  wattle, Cootamundra;  wattle, Flinders Range;  wattle, gold dust;  wattle, golden;  wattle, golden wreath;  wattle, green;  wattle, hairy;  wattle, hedge;  wattle, hickory;  wattle, hop;  wattle, juniper;  wattle, maiden’swattle, Mount Morgan;  wattle, Queensland silver;   wattle, silver;  wattle, Sydney golden;  wax, Geraldton;  waxflower;  waxflower, long-leaf;  wayfarer tree;  Weigela florida;  Westringia fruticosa;  wilga;  willow, native;  willow, pencil;  willow, weeping;  winterberry;  Wisteria (unspecified species);  woollsia;  Woollsia pungens;  woollybutt, Camden;  wormwood



Xanthorrhoea preissiiXanthorrhoea species



yam, native;  yarrow;  Yucca filamentosa



Zieria arborescensZingiber officinaleZoysia macranthaZygophyllum billardierei

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